Throughout the day, our mind is flooded with countless thoughts and images as we engage in activities and interact with others. Although normal, this constant inner activity can cause excess stress over time if we are not able stop. The act of being mindful refers to paying attention to the present moment without judgement or attachment.

The practice of mindfulness dates back thousands of years, yet it remains popular today. Over the last few decades, mindfulness practice has surged in response to the ever-growing pace of our society. Now more than ever, it is important to understand, learn, and practice mindfulness as a means of combatting the constant, busy movement we encounter on a day-to-day basis.

Being mindful can occur in a variety of ways. Some use meditation to achieve mindfulness, while others achieve that ‘in the zone’ feeling while running or writing. How you accomplish a state of mindfulness is less important than how often you practice it.

In therapy, mindfulness has countless benefits including self-control, objectivity, emotional regulation, improved mental functioning, and increased abilities for relating with others. Mindfulness can help with the emotional states of depression and anxiety and is often used alongside other therapeutic models (such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Mindfulness-based techniques are also quick and easy to use at any moment during your day.

I offer in-person therapy and counseling in Seabrook, TX and virtual telehealth therapy for Texas residents. If you or someone you know wants more information about being mindful, schedule an appointment or set up a free 15-minute consultation today.

For further reading, you can visit this American Psychological Association article.