Mood disorders refer to mental health problems having to do with emotional states. Forms of depression and Bipolar Disorder both fall into this category due to the highs and lows associated with them.

Most people experience a bad or sad mood in their life, and some people may have moments where they feel extremely happy. These are normal responses to life events. However, these moments of sadness or elation can become disordered when they start taking over your life.

Some people experience long-term sadness, also called depression, that inhibits their ability to function. Some people have issues maintaining a stable job or relationship because they go back and forth between depression and feeling super energized and excited without any obvious external cause. When these moods prevent a person from living a healthy, normal life, therapists typically classify them as a mood disorder.

There are treatment options for mood disorders. Behavior changing interventions are often used to help a person understand their patterns and build healthier coping strategies. Sometimes medication alongside behavioral treatments can help even more to combat unstable brain chemistry.

Ultimately, there is hope and solutions for working with difficult emotional states. I offer in-person therapy and counseling in Seabrook, TX and virtual telehealth therapy for Texas residents. If you are ready to get help with a mood disorder, call or book an appointment today.